Friday, May 16, 2014


Several Friday’s a month I manage the Richmond Farmers Market. It is a great resource for fresh fruits and vegetables. One particular farm, Bennzler Farms sells organic almonds and oranges. I stocked up on almonds and raisins to make a snack that was very popular a couple of decades a go. Today we are going to make ‘Gorp’. Gorp/granola is a healthy snack that is very easy to make. Using fresh good ingredients is the key. Put on your Birkenstocks and let’s go to the kitchen.


2 cups chopped almonds
5 cups old fashion oats
2 cups raisins
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup brown sugar

In a large bowl mix maple syrup,vanilla, sugar, salt and oil and whisk to blended.  Stir in oats and almonds to coat. Pour out onto lined baking sheet and spread to edges. Press mixture down with potato masher. Bake at 300 degrees for 45 minutes until brown. Remove from oven and let cool for at least an hour. Break into desired size pieces and add raisins. Easy Peasy.

I like to eat gorp as a snack. Add some strawberries and cream and you will have a decadent healthy breakfast. Once you taste how fresh and vibrant home made granola can be you will be hooked. You may even break out the your tye dye out of the closet and start spinning to the ‘Dead’ and hope for a miracle. (Miracle reference will be only recognized by true Dead Heads).


  1. Mr Brown I have some very strong opinions about GROP. I would like to start with something positive you have made some very good looking granola, but to call it GORP without peanut M&Ms is SACRILEGIOUS !!! I had hope that only city hippies, that don't know any better read your blog because the backpacking hippies I know are up in arms. I will do my best to protect from the backpacking hippies I know from lynching you. That is if they don't lynch me first for knowing you. I just thought of a great defense against the hippies out to lynching you. Go the kitchen start making granola as fast as you can. Bag it up and have it on the front porch when the hippies start congregating in front of the house start throwing the bags of granola to the hippies. Remmber and this is the most important thing throw the biggest bags and best granola to the hippie that kind of looks like me and is doing most of the yelling to lynch you. GWH

  2. greatwhite hunter. if I did not know you better I would guess you have been hanging out with some hippies and smoking grop.

  3. I have to agree with GWH. Gorp must have peanut M&M's. At least that is what the East Cost Hippies would say. But, I suppose this would fall in the same debate category of Beans or No Beans in chili.

  4. Three Dogs BBQ, That is an interesting analogy which I will leave at that. You also know that by agreeing with the greatwhite hunter you are encouraging a deeply emotionally troubled, eccentric and sometimes outright looney toon.
