Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Ms. Goofy’s go to dish is macaroni and cheese. She is one happy pup when presented with a bowl of gooey, cheesy, pasta and cheese. The last couple of days the thermometer has hovered close to the century mark. To turn on the oven inside the house would transform our kitchen into a Turkish bath. We will have to cook our mac & cheese outside in our trusty custom bbq. This bbq will be our oven today. We will put some Chilebrown twists of green chile and bacon in our special dish. Grab a cold one and let’s make some comfort food.

We have pre-roasted green chile packaged in convenient measured pouches in our ice cave. We let these chiles’s thaw partially to easily scrape the unwanted charred skin away. Our recipe is simple using bacon for garnish and the fat for a roux. We rendered some beautiful maple bacon from the Freedom Meat Locker. The cooked bacon was chopped and reserved for later. Two tablespoons of the bacon love (fat) was added with two tablespoons of flour and cooked briefly. Heavy cream, salt & pepper were added to make thick gravy. Aged cheddar cheese was our cheese of choice. It was added and melted to form a thick sauce. Cooked pasta was the next ingredient stirred in to the sauce. A combination of parmesan and bread crumbs would top our concoction. This was all baked for approximately ½ hour or until the topping was brown and the mixture heated and cheese melted throughout.

“Winner, Winner, Mac & Cheese Dinner”. The maple flavored bacon added a sweet element that was fantastic. The cheese at the edges had caramelized to form cheese candy. The topping was salty crisp with parmesan love. The peppers added a hint of heat and wonderful green chile flavor. What a great dish and we did not heat up the kitchen. What fun we have.


  1. That looks fantastic! I'll have to give it a try some time

  2. OMG! I would go face down in a bowl of that!

  3. Oh my, makes me look like a piker a mac and cheese. I see more experimentation on my horizon. That looks outstanding!

  4. Green chile mac & cheese = awesome

  5. gusfacegrillah, do not forget the maple bacon a very important ingredient. Any bacon will work.

    Greg, Mac and Cheese is bowl lickin
    yummy good.

    Three Dogs BBQ, I believe you cannot go wrong with these ingredients. They work well together.

    Big Dude, and bacon of course. I probably put bacon in everything.

  6. who would forget bacon?!?

  7. That sounds an order of magnitude or more better than even good mac and cheese.
