Saturday, November 15, 2014


A new sheriff is in town. The Stateside Bakery has just opened to bring the public a blast from the past with nostalgic sweet treats. Do you remember pop-tarts, moon pies, twinkies and ho-ho’s? I had a weakness for frosted strawberry pop-tarts (a-la-mode) served with a large scoop of chocolate ice cream. Stateside Bakery has promised to recreate these old school treats but with a gourmet twist. The owner, Caseny McEacher is not trying to copy the exact flavors of the original treats. Her goal is to not make these desserts overly sweet and use the best ingredients possible. She had me at pop-tarts.

Stateside Bakery is located several blocks from the hospital, across the street from Whole Foods and right next door to Starbucks. You can only imagine how difficult parking is here. A glimmer of parking karma has returned. I scored a spot exactly on the corner across the street. I only had to cross the busy intersection to my sweet destination. The bakery is small. The locations original purpose was to house a ATM machine. The snacks were displayed behind a safety glass. It was to keep them safe from my sweet tooth cravings. I surveyed the offering and could not find my beloved pop-tarts.

The clerk explained to me that pop-tarts are only offered on the Weekends. Huh? I was not going to leave empty handed and picked some oreo cookie looking treats. They were special treats. It was not like the original but better. The frosting between the cookies was decadently rich and creamy. It is a good thing the original oreo cookies did not taste like these because the new versions were out of this world habit forming tasty.. Is that even possible? I will have to return on the weekend to experience my pop-tarts.

Stateside Bakery
3001 Telegraph Ave., Suite E, Berkeley
Open Wednesday - Saturday, 11am-6pm
Sunday, 11am-4pm


  1. Hoo boy! Am I ever in trouble now!

  2. Across from Whole Foods? Yep, never going to make it there.

  3. Zoomie, If they had pop-tarts during the week and I lived closer, I would be in deep trouble.

    Dagny, Come on now. Across the street not in Whole Foods. I will not go in Whole Foods for numerous reasons myself.

  4. After I posted, it dawned on me you meant the Whole Foods in Berkeley. I have great parking karma in Berkeley. Trying to park near the Whole Foods in Oakland makes me homicidal.
    By the way, did you know there's now a Whole Foods on Gilman? Not that I have ever set foot in one of their stores...

  5. Dagney, Do not get me started on WF. Gilman street is a traffic nightmare and with this new WF forgettaboutit. I still like Berkeley Bowl West and Monterey market. W.F. will make Monterey market harder to navigate to. Whole Foods is evil.

  6. Take Marin to get to Monterey Market.

  7. We call those Oreo cookie looking things Gobs around here. They are outstanding and at their peak when bakery made. A great dessert with a gallon of milk!
