Friday, December 5, 2014


We are excited to hear about a new restaurant slash butcher shop that has just opened in my old hometown of Oakland California. Clove & Hoof have opened their doors in the hipster Temescal district. When I was growing up we just called it the poor part of town. Not anymore. We put on our galoshes, put the rain slicks on the Racing Honda and slogged through the water logged freeway to the Clove & Hoof. I believe my parking Karma has returned because we found a parking spot two shops down. I could not park in front because of a silly bus stop.

We arrived a little after their 11:00 am opening to a bustling beehive of employee activities. There were only a few customers at this time of day because you know, hipsters are late risers. There were several meat counters showcasing some wonderful looking cuts of meat. There was an open kitchen presenting cooking and meat preparation activities. One employee was grinding sausage. We chatted with Jason who was butchering a whole Berkshire hog. It was fun talking to Jason who was a fan of Mad Meat Genius. We also had quit a few mutual meat acquaintances. The community of butchers is a small group of people.

Clove & Hoof has embraced the concept of locally sourced whole animal butchery. Charcuterie, sausage and bacon are house made. The owners Analiesa Gosnell and John Blevins both have past experience in high end local butcher shops. At this moment the beef is sourced from Jenner Family beef in Siskiyou County. We are familiar with Siskiyou County because of the Montague bbq competition. The restaurant is only open for lunch now. Hearty sandwiches are the main focus in the early opening stages of this new establishment.

We purchased a beautiful Berkshire rib chops and some of their first bacon. We had the rib chop for dinner and it was spectacular. Clove & Hoof has only been open a couple of weeks. I am sure this place will evolve and find its niche to settle into the neighborhood. It is kind of fun to return to an old neighborhood that has transformed into a hipster destination. With its new identity comes a premium price tag reflected in our meat tab. In the future we plan to return to explore and sample more meat offerings and possibly lunch.

Clove & Hoof
4001 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94611


  1. That chop shot is money!Flame on!

  2. Greg, It was the money shot and tasted good too.

  3. WAIT A MINUTE you came all the way down here during lunch hours and passed on smoked pork shoulder with Georgia mustard BBQ sauce, tangy slaw & honey jalapeno pickles on a griddled potato pepper bun?!?!

    Not to mention "pig wing" sausage with parsley puree, red pepper jelly and habanero dusted cracklings, or smoked potato salad with Alabama white sauce?

    I don't even know you, man!

  4. Aaron, You are absolutely right. I am shamed. This was a hit and run mission because of the weather and traffic. I beg forgiveness.

  5. That chop is spot on! Looking good. You should have stayed for lunch. Such a faux pas. When you go into hipster territory, do you wear a hipster disguise?

  6. Three Dogs BBQ, No disguises, just the real deal for this old hippie. Let the Freak Flag Fly. Well maybe I am not that old but close.
