Friday, January 23, 2015


Bacon cream cheese may be the best thing since sliced bread. How about making it spreadable? Oh my! I did peak at the ingredient list and it claims to have 2 percent real honest to goodness cooked bacon bits. Needless to say you do not want to know the rest of the long list of ingredients. It is creamy, smooth, rich, decadent and has a slight bacon flavor. It is most excellent in my book. Maybe I can talk Ms. Goofy into making a cheesecake.


  1. I was thinking sweet. Cheesecake would be perfect. Standard crust or something different?

  2. Three Dogs BBQ, A traditional graham cracker crust may be my favorite but a chocolate cookie crumb crust is mighty fine. I will love any that Ms. Goofy will make for me.

  3. Mr. Brown I am thinking how great bacon cream cheese would be on the 4 smoked pig ears you owe me. GWH

  4. cookiecrumb, Even though I claim to be a mental giant, I feel as if I missed the short bus on the meaning of cannibalism. I will shrug it off to being a Marin thing or am I just dense?

    greatwhite hunter, as soon as you ride your newfangled bike with the backup camera (did you get the espresso holder option?) over the ears are yours. They will keep for a long time because Ms. Goofy buried them in the back yard.

  5. It's just that you proposed making a dish with cookie crumb crust. Cookiecrumb is afraid.

  6. Mr. Brown buried is no problem as long as it is buried in a kimchi crock, it will only get better. OXOX GWH

  7. cookiecrumb, Thanks. Now I feel silly. I would also like to declare that cookiecrumb is my all time favorite everything.

    greatwhitehunter, If you believe upon a kimchi jar.

  8. Bacon! I want bacon, lox and chives oh my!

  9. Greg, Wait till you see what is next at Mad Meat Genius. You ask and I deliver.
