Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The dialogue continues on grass-fed beef. This time corporate American has joined the conversation. Carl’s Jr. the burger chain is offering a grass-fed burger called the “All Natural Burger’. This burger is made from beef that is from Australia. The beef is from cattle that is grass-fed, free range with no antibiotics, steroids or added hormones. They call it ‘All Natural’. What is ‘All Natural’? There is no legal definition of this term. It does sound warm and fuzzy when you say ‘All Natural”. In the name of research we purchased this fast food burger.
   With tax the ‘All Natural’ set me back 5.98. The regular cheese burger was almost half this price. My burger was cooked to order. I am not sure if this is standard procedure but it was still warm and fresh when I got it home. I enjoyed this burger. It was nicely seasoned. (teetering on being too salty). The toppings of lettuce, cheese, red onions, tomato,pickles, mayo and ketchup mustard all on freshly baked buns made for a very decent burger. How did the beef taste? It had a charbroiled sort of flavor. It was a tad dry, but are not all fast food burgers dry? I have to admit that I am not a fast food burger enthusiast. This burger tasted fine to me. Unless somebody told me, I would have no clue this beef was grass-fed.
   Carl’s Jr. has jumped on the grass-fed bandwagon. If you feel better about yourself for ordering grass-fed beef, than so be it. I will not be ordering it again only because fast food is not my cup of tea. The conversation continues.


  1. Put enough topping on it and you can make anything taste good I suspect.

  2. Greg, That was the same observation of Ms. Goofy. She said there was a lot of mayonnaise and ketchup. Lipstick on a pig?

  3. Hey, cool. Looks good.
    But you shouldn't be eating at Carl's Jr. anyway... they're all kinda war-on-women at the corporate level.


  4. cookiecrumb, Have no fear. I will not be returning. I will return only if you become Carl's Jr. C.E.O. in charge of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Division.

  5. Anything charbroiled tastes ok. I'm sure it wasn't the leanest cut as well. Even grass fed fat tastes ok.

  6. Three Dogs BBQ, I think with all the condiments and freshly baked buns any protein would of tasted okay.
