Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Our latest find in the world of bacon themed products is 'Jimmy Dean Bacon Lovers Sausage'. Jimmy Dean sausage is a secret guilty pleasure that we enjoy. It is a flavor that we know and find comforting. With the addition of real bacon this sausage should be special. We found this item at Wally World. Actually it was located at a Super Wally World. Who knew that there was a super version of this store. To be honest we did not look at the ingredient list this time. Sometimes it is just better to just not know. We wanted to showcase this bacon product in an over the top way. How about we grill on the bbq, mushrooms stuffed with bacon cream cheese, Jimmy Dean Bacon Lovers Sausage and all wrapped in bacon?

This appetizer is a little involved but the results are stellar. Recipe Here. We will add a hickory smoke component with our Smokestack canister. This is a beautiful appetizer. It was a bacon overload of joy. The sausage had a smoky bacon taste with the signature Jimmy Dean flavor. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, how can you go wrong? We like this new product, As a rule we do not normally shop at Super Wally World but now we have a reason.  When we return, Jimmy Dean Bacon Lovers Sausage will be on our shopping list.


  1. Mr. Brown if Jimmy Dean sausage is your worst is guilty pleasure you have nothing to hide. I have much worse guilty pleasure and I am not talking about them. A Jimmy Dean hot sage sausage eating Great White Hunter is out!

  2. "Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, how can you go wrong?" - my sentiments exactly

  3. greatwhite hunter, With so many great sausages at butchers and our Meat Adventures it just seems a little guilty to like your ordinary super market variety sausage. It is good.

    Bid Dude, Sometimes, but not always bacon themed products are a hit. This one is. I love Bacon.

  4. I usually only buy Jimmy Dean around Thanksgiving.

  5. Dagny, We only rediscovered JD recently. It is a flavor from the memory banks. Good stuff.

  6. JD Sage is a necessary ingredient for cornbread dressing.

  7. Looks good. Is it bacon made into sausage, or is is sausage with bacon added? To paraphrase the legendary George Carlin, could be bacon, could be sausage. It's bacon sausage!

  8. Three Dogs BBQ, I did not read the ingredient list on purpose. It tastes like sausage with bacon added. Good stuff.

    Dagny, I am going to have to make some cornbread stuffing soon.
