Tuesday, February 10, 2015


As some of you may know I am a full pledged card carrying Chilehead. My garden is full of exotic chile pepper plants. One of these plants has the reputation and pedigree of being one of the hottest peppers in the world. This is the infamous Ghost pepper. This pepper will make grown men (me) cry with its blistering heat. When I found out the fast food chain Popeye's has a ghost pepper chicken wing, I got excited. Normally I stay away from fast food but today I will make an exception. These wings were cooked to order. I have to admit they were kind of tasty. Crispy, salty, slightly oily crust that covered a tiny well cooked morsel of chicken meat tasted pretty good. But... I kept waiting for the bite and sting of the almighty Ghost pepper. Seriously when I cut open a pepper at home my eyes start to water from the fumes. This wing did not even raise an eyebrow in the heat department. There was a very slight hint or promise of warmth in the back of my throat. I would be generous to rate this wing mild on the heat scale. This was a fail in the Ghost pepper department. Here is another example of false marketing. Maybe they should call them Un-Ghost Wings.


  1. Dagny, I kind of expected it but had to see for myself. If it was full strength Ghost peppers, the lawyers would be very happy. The Ghost pepper needs to be respected and used responsibly. Someday I will learn that.

  2. My heat receptors must be wimpy. Been to Popeye's once and everything had sting. You ever watch the Heat Seekers. Is fun to watch those chefs sweat.

  3. Greg, You pulled a funny. Wimpy; For a hamburger today.......

  4. I do have to admit, fast food fried chicken can be good and Popeyes is a favorite. We do not have them around here, but it is a nice stop on the way to the beach. That being said, anything they advertise as spicy is always lacking. I have learned to take them as just decent fried chicken.

  5. Order screw up...somewhere a mild mannered, elderly nun is biting into her "mild wings" from Popeyes and flames are shooting out of her ears like a cartoon character immediately followed by a slew of swear words that would make a sailor blush.
