Monday, February 16, 2015


"Oh Lord We Thank Thee" Sometimes eating a steak can be a religious experience. This was one of those moments. Willowside Meats was the destination of my fellow Meat Adventurer friend; "The Great White Hunter".  I was first through the door or maybe I shoved 'T.G.W.H. out of the way because I was first to see and purchase the most beautiful porterhouse steak ever. Even the butcher boasted what a great looking piece of beef this was. Dry-aged for at least 21 days, corn fed, USDA Choice beef a protein that we crave. No fancy pedigrees or pretension here. This is just great beef. This beauty was 2 inches thick and  weighed a staggering 50 ounces. It was spectacular. In fact I would go as far as saying it was a 'Religious Experience".


  1. Big Dude, We are spoiled by Willowside Meats. They consistently have great products. Best Steak Ever.

  2. All I have to say is a standup Hallelujah and put hands in the air Mr.Brown. I would add the scraps of T bone you left for me after the butcher had cut the Fred Flintstone sized porterhouse for you was very very good. I scurried to the first grill smoker I could think of, that I would not have to share any with you. I called ahead to The Vigg to fire up his relatively new Traeger smoker grill. I arrived in a timely manner and showed him the scraps of T bone you so generously left for me. I witnesses a look on his face I have only seen once in the thirty plus year I have known the heartless Italian. The day he first saw his 67 GTO after a fifteen thousand paint job with ghost frames, love, lust, admiration is best way I can describe it. The Vigg did his part and prepared the T bones a perfect medium rare. The T bone you so generously left us was heavenly. Willowside is the best and please stop blogging about the place, someday someone will read your musings. I don't want to share. I apologize for the stand up and put your hands in the air Hallelujah but I can't help it I was raised by okie holy rollers. Sometimes I wish I was raised Catholic, getting hit by a nun with a ruler seems less scary than a preacher talking in tongues and dancing around the pulpit with a rattlesnake in each hand and one in his pocket. GWH P.S. Mr.Brown I will not tell The Vigg you were the Butthole that chop blocked me to be first to the meat counter, but if I did how long do think you would have to look over shoulder before The Vigg would forgave you. It would be perfect punishment for insinuating I am a hipster, ponder that for awhile Mr. Brown. GWH out

  3. greatwhite hunter, I saw your so called scraps and I know they were stellar. Next time you can have first pick. Maybe we should call ahead and we both can get Porterhouses. It was very special. I am glad the heartless Italian enjoyed them. Good stuff.

  4. How can I follow up with a comment after GWH's prose? All I can say is, outstanding.

  5. Three Dogs BBQ, The scary part is I understand him.
