Wednesday, June 24, 2015


It is that time of year again. Slather some sun screen on, lace up your flip flops (?), and go empty your ATM, because it is time to go to the fair and enjoy some tasty food treats. Maybe I am showing my age but fair food to me was corn dogs, cotton candy, and ice cold lemonade. You still can get these treats but the menu has expanded to new culinary heights. Ms. Goofy and I recently went to the Alameda County Fair in Pleasonton, California. We wanted to share several images of the food offered at this fun fair venue. They still have corn dogs and lemonade but I did not see cotton candy. The corn dogs have got a lot bigger and they now have an unlimited refillable cup of lemonade because 16 ounces may not be enough. Come away from the midway and let's go eat.

Now, this is how I like my beer delivered. The Clydesdale horses always deliver an impressive show. The image below is of the 4-H children serving home-made pies and cakes. This was the most reasonably priced booth in the fair. Two dollars for a slice of German chocolate cake was a welcome relief to my strained pocketbook. It also was delicious.

This is the bacon wrapped hot dog. It sounded a lot better than it tasted. It was almost a foot long and set me back $10.75. It was a sloppy mess with burnt jalapenos. I did eat every bite and did taste bacon under the pile of grilled vegetables.

Food Porn? You know, we had  to have a corn dog. This too was a little disappointing. It had spent too much time under the heat lamp and was barely luke warm. I do not remember corn dogs being this long.


I loved Icees as a kid. A new generation of young people can experience the phenomenon know as brain freeze.

It was a wonderful warm day at the fair. So many choices, so little pepto bismo was the verdict today. Walking the fairgrounds and browsing the food courts made for an enjoyable experience. As a child, I would spend hours on the midway riding the attractions. My new midway is the food court. Funny how our prorities change over time. I wish I had bought that icee because maybe a brain freeze would reset my inner child. (Can you hear Ms. Goofy guffawing?)


  1. I love fair food. Not always the best sometimes, but good anyway. The best I have had this year was a Philly Style Brisket Mac and Cheese. Off the hook!

  2. Three Dogs BBQ, That sounds very delicious. A couple of years back at the state fair we had a deep fried white castle burger. Surprisingly fantastic.

  3. I use to go for the horse races. Long time ago.
