Friday, August 7, 2015


Are you ready for the latest bacon product find? This product comes from the bourbon family of Jim Beam. Jim Beam has put their name on a bacon mustard product. Against my better judgement I scanned the ingredient list. No bacon is listed. Artificial flavors may be the bacon component and bourbon is a listed ingredient. The top is opened and a smokey mustard aroma greets your senses. I think this is the closet to bacon we will get. The mustard tastes mustardy good. There is a slight smokiness and a subtle sweetness possibly from the bourbon. Does it taste like bacon and mustard? No, not really. Jim Beam has put out another bacon themed product that on its own is quiet tasty but does not deliver the promise of bacon.


  1. Greg, I need some real bacon fast.

  2. Sometimes I think that bacon sells anything. Much like a cute dog in a commercial...
