Thursday, September 24, 2015


Summer has officially been over for two days but do not tell that to the great produce found at the Farmers Market. It may be the beginning of fall but the market is still alive with a cornucopia of summer fruits and vegetables. We were at the Petaluma Farmers Market and found a vendor selling heirloom melons. The Moon and Stars watermelon is an impressive orb of fruit that can weigh up to 40 pounds. It is colored a dark green and has yellow spots of various sizes speckled throughout.

I bought half of the behemoth of a melon. The rind is very thick cradling a pale yellow center. There are a lot of seeds dispersed throughout this sweet fruit. It has a wonderful sweet delicious watermelon flavor. The flesh is refreshing with its sweet fruity water content. It is messy to eat because of all the wonderful juice dripping. It also has the added bonus of the option of spitting watermelon seeds with each bite. This is a fun and colorful melon.


  1. I keep looking at all the interesting melons in the market but then buying my favorite - plain old cantaloupe. I must branch out a bit as you have!

  2. Zoomie, I have found that the more fragrant they smell the better the flavor. They are at their peak now. Enjoy!

  3. I agree - you can tell a good melon by its scent. If they don't smell good, they aren't ready.
