Sunday, April 17, 2016


Joey 'Jaws" Chestnut and Matt 'Megatoad' Stonie were not there to battle in deep fried asparagus eating supremacy. The name and the venue have changed but asparagus is still the king at the San Joaquin Asparagus Festival. There was an asparagus eating contest Friday night, but, it was more a local event and did not have the national eating stars. The Asparagus festival has scaled down in in scope but not enthusiasm to celebrate the 'Spears of Spring". Ms. Goofy and I walked the fair and had a couple of asparagus snacks which we would like to share with you.

This is an asparagus corn dog.It was one of those novelty items that just had to be experienced. The batter must of had an asparagus purees. When bitten into the batter had a greenish hue. This food item was not as good as the bacon wrapped asparagus but filled the bill for a carnival food experience.

I personally got a smile from this vendor who was selling security systems. His display had a lifelike 'Barney Fife.' ;
 Andy Taylor: What are you doing?
Barney Fife: Gun-drawing practice, ten minutes every day. If I ever have to use this baby, I want to teach it to come to papa in a hurry.

Our friends, Rob Ryan and wife Medeiros from the BBQ community were there selling their rubs and sauces. They were thankful for the large crowds buying their 'Robs Smokin' Rub & Frog Sauce.' There was a lot to see and do at this event. One of my favorites was watching the roller-derby girls do battle in the oval ring. You know that pavement has got to hurt. Maybe Ms. Goofy someday will don the rollers.

Lastly, I would like to leave you with a little disturbing mascot. What is it? The San Joaquin Asparagus festival has scaled down from its past glory years but is still a fun event. There were a lot of people enjoying the day and asparagus. We had a fun time. How can you go wrong with bacon wrapped asparagus?


  1. Eating nice fresh spring asparagus seems like an excellent reason to get together. Mine has played out and I need to replant next year.

  2. Asparagus and roller derby! Woot!!

  3. Big Dude, Our asparagus season is winding down. Someday I will have to grow some as soon as I can figure out how to get rid of the gophers.

    Greg, Roller derby rocks. I would look forward to Saturday mornings to watch roller derby. I did not like asparagus back then.

  4. What is the mascot supposed to be?

  5. Zoomie, It is funny that you ask because we cannot figure it out either.
