Sunday, May 29, 2016


I love you Mom. My mother, Elizabeth Brown passed away yesterday. She was very special. Where can I begin? She and my father sacrificed everything for my sister and I. She was a registered nurse by trade. When my sister and I were born she took time off to raise us till our teenage years. My mother was a saint to put up with the juvenile Mad Meat Genius hi-jinks She returned to nursing to help support the family. My mother was an avid reader and encouraged us to read which most likely gave us a head start in school. She enjoyed sewing and was an accomplished quilt maker.
   These last several years have been very hard watching my mother decline. The end was inevitable, but how can one prepare for it? You can't. I would like to extend a special hug to my sister who was Mom's caretaker and best friend. My mother is at peace. I love you Mom.


  1. So sorry for your loss. It's hard to be prepared for the loss of a special parent.
