Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Last Sunday we were in the nearby community of Crockett California for the 'Sugar City Festival". It is a fun, small local event that brings out the townfolk. Crockett at one time was a booming company town run by C&H Sugar. C&H Sugar is still there but the town is now inhabited by bohemians and artists. Crockett is located right on the Carquinez Strait and has has million dollar views of this waterway. The festival was only a couple of blocks long. It showcased local musical talent, artists and local business. It also was nice to have a small break from judging duties. This cleansed our bbq palettes to get ready for this following weekends judging duties at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Stay tuned.


  1. We pass that building every time we train it. It makes for good pictures!

  2. Greg, It is a great old building. It has a lot of history. Back in the day it ran the town. I have heard fascinating stories from some of the older residences.
