Thursday, May 4, 2017


Our good friend Joe Z from Canyon Rider competition barbeque team is a bonafied Chilehead. He grows exotic peppers and makes his own fiery hot sauce. He recently gifted me a jar of his famous roasted green habanero hot sauce. My eyes lit up with fire receiving this special home made gift. He not only grows all his own peppers he roasted these green habaneros. This was a labor of love. This sauce is not for the chile challenged because it is knock your socks off hot. This is just the way I love it. I had to find a way to ease Ms. Goofy into this tasty journey of pain.

I did bring this sauce to our monthly Galileo Club dinner. This is an Italian social club whose dinner tonight included raviolis. My fellow Chilehead friends Dana and Alden both agreed this sauce may have not paired well with raviolis but was fantastic with flavor. The sauce immediately hits your tongue with heat. Once the heat subsided a fruity habanero flavor with roasty toasty finish was enjoyed. The sauce also had a perfect balance with sweetness mellowing the intense habanero sting. This sauce was the real deal.

I wanted Ms. Goofy to try this sauce. Ms. Goofy loves chicken wings. I cooked some wings on the kettle bbq. When they were done I tossed the wings in the roasted green habanero sauce. Ms. Goofy did try the green chicken wing devil but the verdict was too hot for her. At least she tried one. It is a good thing I had some mild wings for back up.

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