Saturday, March 17, 2018


There was a green beer sighting at the Galileo Club last night. We had a pre-St. Patrick's day celebration Italian style. This celebration included a Bocce Ball tournament with plenty of refreshments (green beer optional) and concluded with a corn beef dinner to satisfy all competitors. Ms. Goofy and I participated in the activities minus the green beer. I think anyone that is familiar with celebrating St. Pat's day has their green beer story and I will spare you mine.

You may wonder what makes this celebration Italian style besides the Bocce Ball tournament?  My answer to that is the buffet line included a green tinted pesto pasta dish lined with Brussell sprouts. The traditional offerings of cabbage, potatoes and carrots were available too. They also had plain yellow mustard which is a must have item for corned beef. Of course I had to bring my German Lowensenf mustard from home which has a mean spice kick that is not for the faint of heart.

Below the green tinted pesto past is pictured with broccoli rabe next to it. I actually tried one Brussel sprout and it was very decent in a vegetable kind of way. We did have dessert of pistachio pudding, fruit platter and a florescent bright green vanilla pudding. I will spare you the image and just tell you it tasted better than it looked.

This was a fun way to celebrate St. Patricks Day eve and we have a full belly to prove it. We are really looking forward to next week when we will be traveling south to SoCal to participate in our first barbeque contest of the year. It will be held right smack in the middle of the Santa Anita Race track. Stay tuned.


  1. Your St. Patrick's meal looks yummy. I love the corned beef. My beer margarita's have a light tint of green so that will be it for me! Of course, I will wear green today. :)

  2. Patsy Irene, I draw the line at green beer and have reservations about Brussel Sprouts.

  3. Nothing like a big buffet and spirited game of bocce for a fun day.
