This Mad Meat Genius has found his Disneyland for meat lovers. Today we are visiting the Golden Gate Meat Company at their Richmond California location. Golden Gate Meat Company is more than just a meat wholesaler but an all-inclusive business that buys, processes, smokes, cures and ultimately sells high end quality meats. They have a retail shop in San Francisco and another wholesale location in Santa Rosa. We are visiting their new wholesale location in the industrial area of Richmond California. Brian Silveira, a BBQ competitor asked me if I wanted to go on a tour of the facility. This was an opportunity to good to be true.

I pulled into the Golden Gate driveway to a crowded parking lot full of company trucks and employee cars. I picked a spot that was very close to blocking the loading dock. A gentleman that had watched me “sort of” block the dock asked if he could help me and I explained that I was here for a tour. He was more than nice and personally guided me to the appropriate office. I later found out that this gentleman was no other than “Jimi Z”. Jimi Offenbach is the head C.E.O. and patriarch of Golden Gate Meat Company. This is a family run business. In the sales office I met Justin Offenbach who was is the Chief Operating Officer. We definitely had a common interest of quality meat. Brian and I were soon to learn that everyone we talked to was passionate about meat. This is my kind of people.

Justin suggested that his Dad give us the tour. We were very privileged to have Jimi Z guide us through his facility. The word I want to use is passion. Everybody we met was very friendly and passionate about the job they had to do. I just had a huge Cheshire cat grin the whole time of our tour. We started out in the warehouse. There were huge racks of boxed meats from all high quality farms. All these meats will eventually make it to high end restaurants, serious competitive barbeque teams and the San Francisco retail location.
We went through a room with lots of butchers all slicing meats. We proceeded to a very special area that was used to cure prosciutto. It was very impressive to see the pork legs being salted and hung for a long aging and curing time. Of course I personally liked to see the huge industrial smoker used for bacon. They have a signature recipe for sausage and bacon. I did see a couple of bins of wood chips that I was told was a blend of apple and hickory woods.
Golden Gate has a lineup of house made salume. To actually see the procedure and curing rooms was fascinating. There are a series of blue lit rooms that are temperature and climate controlled. This control panel is the brains to monitor each different room. Each room has a climate to mimic seasons. There is the ‘Spring Room and the Summer Room” with appropriate heats for perfect curing.
Jimi Z saved the best for last. He brought us up into the loft, an area used for parties and entertaining clients. Liquid libations and of course house cured meats are all available. There is a stage with musical instruments that are played by Jimi Z and fellow band members. Jimi Z also showed his pride and joy collection of guitars. The guitar on the far right was owned and played by John Lennon. WOW!!!!!
Our tour was over. I am still smiling. What a fantastic day. I did not leave empty handed because I purchased some premium Snake River Farms strip steak. We also left with an appreciation for Golden Gate Meat Company. This is a family run business that sells more than high quality meats. They are selling pride and passion that is reflected in all of their products. One can find their meats at fine restaurants and for retail sales at their Ferry Plaza location. What a great day.