Chilebrown at home
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Exotic hot chilepepper products have been the latest internet buzz. Hormel has cashed in on a Ghost Reaper chili. These are two of the hottest peppers grown. I can personally attest that these peppers need respect and should be approached cautiously. Hormel announced this offering on social media. They set up a time that this product would be available for sale and sold out within the hour. I did procure one can. Within minutes Ebay had this product at 10 times the actual price. I am not sure what to say about that. Let's give it a try.
It was hot. I tasted fresh chile and it also had an after burn from the dried chiles. It was very decent in a Hormel Chili kind of way. With six different chile in this mix, I am not sure if I could identify ghost or reaper chile. Your senses were assaulted by fresh and dried all in a chilehead splendor kind of way. How hot was it? For most normal people I would say this concoction was very hot and you might not enjoy it. I eat some sort of chile everyday. I thought is was hot but not as hot as ghost and reaper chile can be. It was tame in this sense. Regardless of the downsizing of potential heat this mixture left my mouth on fire for quit awhile. I actually enjoyed this chili with chile. Good job Hormel.