Christmas eve, Ms. Goofy and I ventured up to Santa Rosa and stopped at The Bird Restaurant . We loved the old Willie Birds restaurant and were excited to try the new one. It did not dissappont. Turkey dinner with a double order of stuffing and a side bucket of gravy is so good!

Chilebrown at home
Friday, December 27, 2024
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner, Here at the corner we try fruitcakes so you do not have to. We seem to have a religious theme going with a cake by the monks at Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, Virginia. This cake comes in a decorative tin. This cake is crumby is a good way. Some fruitcakes are dense blocks of nuts & fruits with batter being the binder. This is more of a cake with a smattering of fruits and nuts throughout. The crumbs are moist and tender. The texture is soft and cakelike. There are candied fruits, raisins, orange & lemon peel all dispersed throughout this cake. Brandy & Sherry are listed on the ingredient list but they are not discernable taste wise. This is a very nice cake and is just a little different being more caky than fruit & nutty like. Amen.
This concludes Paul’s Fruitcake Corner 2024. Next week I will have a brief recap of this wonderful fruitcake season. Some final thoughts on this Christmas Eve;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Paul's Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s fruitcake corner. Here at the corner we try fruitcakes so you do not have to. Today we are trying a very unique and wonderful cake. We are going to Knott County in Kentucky to visit the Hindman Settlement School. The Hindman Settlement School describe themselves as; vibrant beacon for progressive learning, community enrichment, and cultural exploration in the Central Appalachian region. This cake is unique because it is a blonde coconut forward sweet cake.
This cake is very very sweet. I would even suggest that this is almost candy more than a cake. There is coconut everywhere and is a prevalent flavor. There are apricots, pears, pineapple, orange, dates, walnut and condensed milk. I am sure the condensed milk adds to the sweetness. This cake impressed me because of its uniqueness with the coconut and condensed milk flavors. The texture is soft with the slightest chew. I also liked the small ingredient list to put the icing on the cake. Overall this cake is on the sweet side but is very enjoyable.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we eat fruitcake so you do not have to. I was a little hesitant to buy this ‘Vegan’ cake. It was in a plain brown wrapper and it announced to the world it was a VEGAN fruitcake. I took a risk for you dear readers. This cake was found at the ‘Market Hall” in Oakland California.
This is a soft moist cake that is full of fruit; raisins, currants, cranberries, oranges, lemons, cherries. There are almonds and brandy listed in the ingredients. The brandy adds just a teeny tiny bity bit of warmth. I would say the cake is fruit forward in taste and most enjoyable. Bonus points for no preservatives or yucky stuff. I am not sure why the cake was hidden in brown paper and boasting Vegan. I am glad I took a chance.
P.S. I washed this cake down with a glass of eggnog; So much for being Vegan.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we
try fruitcakes so you do not have to. We are going west to the scenic
Willamette Valley at Carlton, Oregon. This cake comes from the Monastery of our
Lady of Guadalupe. The first thing that caught my eye was this cake was soaked
in 120 proof brandy. In the words of “The Great One” (Jackie Gleason); “And
away we go”.
This is a dark cake
with dried pineapple, cherries, raisins, walnuts and pecans. It is very dense
and you get a honey like sweetness throughout. I will say this cake was a tiny
touch dry. The melody of flavors rescued this slightly parched rendition of
fruitcake. You do get a hint of brandy flavor which does not overpower or burn.
They do boast 120 proof but it has mellowed and only flavored. Overall, I got
past the slight dryness because of the wonderful mix of flavors and textures. I
enjoyed this cake. In closing, I would like to quote Gleason one more time;
“Baby, You’re the Greatest!”
Monday, December 16, 2024
It is Sunday afternoon and I am at CafĂ© 1277 taking a “Sourdough
Bread Baking” class. Jourdan taught us some of his wonderful techniques and
pointers baking with sourdough. It was hands on because we scrubbed up and
kneaded away. We got to create our own loaf that I attempted to decorate with
my name. Did I mention we had snacks and beverages throughout our class? When
we departed we took home some sourdough starter and our personal loaf of bread.
It was a fun and tasty couple of hours. Thanks to Jourdan for teaching and
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we try fruitcake so you do not have too. Today we have Anna Mary’s old fashioned fruitcake turned gourmet nutcake. This cake is 70 percent nuts and fruit with just enough batter to hold it together. (These are Anna Mary’s website words). This is a NUTcake for sure. There are lots of walnuts & pecans with just a few cherries and chopped dates thrown in. If you are a nut like me, this is the cake for you. It has a dense nutty texture and is not overly sweet. You do taste the dates. I am enjoying this cake and give it thumbs up.
“We would be NUTS to call this a fruitcake” boasts the Anna Mary Company. Who is Anna Mary? Anna Mary Byler was a kind and devoted Amish Mennonite mother of twelve. She was well known for her fruitcakes. Anna Mary is gone now but her tradition and fruitcakes are alive. These cakes are baked in Huntsville, Arkansas. Go Nuts!
Friday, December 13, 2024
Tis the season to be jolly and egg nog from San Francisco’s Fisherman’s wharf iconic Scoma’s restaurant sure fits the bill. This eggnog is very special. It has been aged for 300 days. It was made with 350 egg yolks, milk, vanilla bean, nutmeg, clove and cinnamon, cream and sugar. It is heated slowly and a bunch of booze is added; Diplomatico Mantuano rum, Yuste Aurora Amontillado Sherry and Vecchia Romagna brandy. How does it taste, you ask?
The first sip of eggnog is a boozy brandy hit. It is warm and coats your mouth with a heavy cream backup. You taste a lot of nutmeg & cinnamon . To be fair the bartender grated some fresh nutmeg over the glass of this vintage brew. I did like it. It also cost 20 dollars for this drink. Would I order it again? I think a good bottle of brandy and some store bought egg nog would easily replicate this drink.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the Corner we
try fruitcake so you do not have to. Who knew that Wolferman’s bakery made
other items besides English Muffins? Wolferman’s started out as a small bakery
and is now owned by the huge corporation “Harry & David”. My two pound
“Grand Fruitcake” arrived in a Holiday tin. When I opened the tin I immediately
smelled nostalgic, ‘take me back’ fresh smell of cinnamon. Christmas has arrived.
This cake is very tender and will fall apart on you if you are not careful.
This is a dark fruitcake and has a pronounced molasses vibe. There are raisins,
walnuts, cherries and pineapple. This is a moist cake that is heavily spiced
with cinnamon, cloves and ginger. I do like the Christmas flavors/scents and
Wolferman’s puts a really nice spin on this Cakefruit. (See what I did there?)
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we
try fruitcake so you do not have to. We are going across the pond to jolly ole
England to try ‘Frank’s Farmhouse Bakery Traditional Rich Fruitcake. No expense
or distance is the sacrifices we make here at the corner for you dear readers.
I only glanced at the ingredient list. (I really should not look). Sultanas are
listed and I need to ‘Google” to find out that these are golden raisins.
Raisins and dates are another prevalent ingredient included with the usual list
of cake mixings.
Frank’s is not a very exciting fruitcake. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this cake. It is not overly dry but it could use a tiny boost of moisture. The sweetness of this cake is generated by the fruits; sultanas, raisins and dates. Sherry is a listed ingredient but is nowhere to be found. You have to be careful eating Frank’s fruitcake because I found several small unidentified hard wood like fragments while eating. I assumed they were nut shells but I did not see any nuts listed on the ingredient list. After thinking about it for a while it is possible to be bits of the raisin stem. I do like the flavor and appreciate the natural sweetness from the fruits. While, I did not do summersaults on Frank’s, I do want to tell you how much fun it is experiencing my fruitcake adventure.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we will try fruitcake so you do not have to. In a small town, Rushford, Minnesota there is a shop that specializes in Scandinavian foods; Norsland Lefse. They make a fruitcake that is made with pecan halves, dates, cherries and just enough batter to hold it all together. The dates and cherries add just a small amount of sweetness. This is a chewy cake that is simple but yummy. I really enjoyed the modest small ingredient list and was happy.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Paul’s Fruitcake Corner
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we
try fruitcakes so you do not have to. Today we have a very expensive fruitcake
from Robert Lambert. I want to get this out of the way first. This 1 pound cake
cost 92 dollars delivered. Robert Lambert is a one man company, gourmet maker
of preserves and fruitcake. He has a reputation of making high end fruitcakes
and has been featured in numerous articles in media publications. He uses his
own candied citrus peels of bergamot orange, Seville orange, pink grapefruit,
pomelo peels and Buddha’s hand. In this cake there are walnuts, pecans, and
hazelnuts. Figs, cherries, dates, prunes, pears and the pears and figs are
soaked in ‘eau de vie’. (Brandy). The batter is fortified with port wine and
spices. The cake arrived wrapped in Jack Daniels soaked cheesecloth decorated
by a fresh cedar leaf & candied grapefruit peel star. Let’s try some.
This cake is boozy.
It smells of whiskey and the cheesecloth is damp with alcohol. I take a bite
and the alcohol is warming and prevalent. It has citrus and fruit overtones
that are very pleasant. The nuts add a satisfying texture. This is a dark cake
possibly by the port wine addition. I am enjoying it. I am a teetotaler these
days and the alcohol is possibly making me giddy. The cake is complex and full
of delicious fruit and nut flavors. This cake has a pedigree of select products
and hands on production. Is it worth the high price tag? Here at Paul’s
Fruitcake Corner no sacrifice/expense is too small for you dear reader. Only
you can answer this question.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we try fruitcake so you do not have to. Today’s cake is from Lehman’s Hardware & Appliance (tagline; “For A Simpler Life”). Lehman’s started as a small hardware store serving the local Amish in Kidron, Ohio. Today they are located in several states. It is interesting that this seasonal one pound cake came in a cold storage shipping container with an ice pack. There were also instructions to refrigerate. It does not really look very festive in its simple bricky block presentation. This is a dense heavy sweet cake. It is full of pecans, walnuts, mini raisins, cherries and pineapple. Overall, this is a very nice and enjoyable cake. I would suggest not reading the ingredient list because it does have the usual suspects of preservatives and chemicals.
Note to self; stop reading ingredient list